Synopsis: In a retrofuturistic neighborhood called the Glen, Fontaine, a drug dealer, faces challenges with his family and customers. Slick Charles, owing Fontaine money, initiates a fight with one of Fontaine’s sex workers, Yo-Yo. Fontaine confronts Slick but is shot by an opposing drug dealer named Isaac as he leaves.

Surprisingly, Fontaine returns the next morning without any memory of the previous night. Together with Slick and Yo-Yo, they investigate a mysterious lab and find a clone identical to Fontaine. They discover a white scientist behind the operation, and a white substance causing bizarre behavior in the community.

The trio uncovers a facility controlling Black people through music and visual stimulation, as well as creating clones of Glen residents. Nixon, one of the scientists, reveals their cruel experiments, and Yo-Yo resists their mind control. Fontaine’s mother turns out to be just a recording, deepening his despair.

Fontaine, Slick, and Isaac devise a plan to rescue Yo-Yo, storming the lab and freeing the clones. They encounter an older version of Fontaine, the mastermind behind the operation, aiming to “whitewash” Black people for peace. The elder Fontaine is killed, and the secret operation is exposed.

Fontaine, Slick, and Yo-Yo decide to head to Memphis to further expose and stop the operation. In Los Angeles, another man named Tyrone realizes he is a clone of Fontaine.

In summary, Fontaine’s life as a drug dealer intertwines with a shocking conspiracy involving mind control, clones, and a dark experiment to “whitewash” Black people. With determination and bravery, Fontaine and his allies strive to expose and put an end to this sinister operation. The movie give a sci-fi depiction of the reality of how society pushes black people into the steriotypical role that prevent the progress of African people in the United States Of America.