Africans in Kenya are expressing their opposition to William Ruto’s support for intervening in Niger following the removal of French colonial figure Mohamed Bazoum, all under the pretext of the African Union (AU).

While facing backlash from protesters across Kenya for mismanagement and deploying Kenyan police to suppress the freedom movement in Haiti on behalf of Western interests, William Ruto is now inserting himself into the Niger situation.

The crisis within ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) has arisen due to their decision to potentially invade Niger. The coalition of West African nations supporting Niger is roughly equal in size to those opposing it, encompassing Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger.

However, the potential consequences extend beyond size. This move could escalate into a civil war, transforming the entire West African region into a modern-day Libya or Syria. Additionally, each ECOWAS state outside the Sahel region is grappling with internal anti-corruption instability, with citizens supporting Niger. This means that engaging in an invasion of Niger could lead to internal uprisings within these states.

William Ruto, who portrays himself as a pan-African leader, is facing scrutiny for his actions. While a wave of freedom movements is sweeping across the continent, some will manifest through action while others will remain in the realm of words.

The events in Niger are serving as a critical turning point, revealing true stances on pan-Africanism. Despite Ruto’s professed commitment to pan-African ideals, he now appears to be endorsing military intervention in Niger under the guise of the African Union.

As ECOWAS leaders become aware of the potential destabilization their military intervention could bring to the region, France has turned to the AU to carry out its agenda, with William Ruto serving as a frontman.

In a recent press conference, he stated the following “On wednesday africa suffered a serious set back in its democratic gains as the aspirations of the people of Niger for consitutional democracy was subverted by an unconsitutional change of government that disposed Mohamed Bazoum, a democratically elected president. Kenya is willing to assist the conflict under the auspices of the African Union, should it be deemed appropriate.”

France utlizing Eastern African AU countries to disguise the disruption for Africa would be less of a burden to their leaders those that are further away from the ECOWAS region. However make no mistake, it will still, and always be France that would initiate the attack.

In reality, the AU has been of absolutely no use to Africa and only gives way for an imperial force on the continent that puts military power on the hands of an organized body that doesn’t adhere to the interests of the African people.